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///Liebe Mitglieder!/Liebe /Lieber /// ///TITLE/// ///FIRSTNAME/// ///NAME///:::!:::

FÜR KURZENTSCHLOSSENE HEUTE UM 17:00 LIVE AUF YOUTUBE - Mit der Möglichkeit Fragen im Youtube Chatfenster zu stellen.
First online public panel part of FERA 2021 General Assembly: PERSPECTIVES ON EUROPEAN FILM’S FUTURE
Also tomorrow, December 1, from 17:00 to 18:30 CET, we will be streaming our first online public panel part of the 2021 General Assembly and hosted by our partner LICHTER Filmfest International Frankfurt:
Panel discussion with Costa Gavras, Filmmaker, Rebecca O’Brien, Film producer & European Film Academy Deputy Chairwoman, Lucia Recalde, European Commission DG Connect, Deputy Director and Head of Unit “Audiovisual Industry and Media Support Programmes”, and Edith Sepp, Estonian Film Institute CEO and EFAD Vice-President
Moderated by FERA Chairman Klemen Dvornik and FERA CEO Pauline Durand-Vialle
Check out our website for more information on the public panels: https://screendirectors.eu/european-filmmakers-to-meet-in-frankfurt-for-fera-annual-conference-and-general-assembly-2021/